
About Travis… our fearless leader

I remember vividly when i struggled to get enough clients. The frustration of having entire days without a single customer walk through my doors or even pick up the phone to call my was humbling, and terrifying. I didn’t always know if id make my rent in time, and i cringed to open my wallet during a date, or the next day. I look back at those days as my ‘character building’ days… Im proud over overcoming them, but the bitterness associated with the memory never really goes away.

I never really intended to be any type of figure in the internet marketing business. Getting here has been entirely random, and unexpected. Like most confused young adults in college, I had no idea what I wanted to do or where I was going in life. I went to the Wharton School of business at the University of Pennsylvania, and sat bored through all of my classes. The only classes i was concerned about were mixed martial arts related, and fighting did not have any type of positive impact on my grades.

Irritated by the simple thought of corporate culture, I started a private training business, and I happily taught people the self-defense and martial skills that i had built in years of training. I enjoyed what I did, and converted my passion into dollars, but I didn’t make any significant money. Word of mouth brought me clients, but they came and went. I kept my prices way too low, so that trainees would be easier to get. I hoped that since i was awesome, they would continue to refer me to whomever. I was forced to rely on the power of my clients happenstance conversations with others who might be interested, and the hope that they would speak very highly of me. This worked for a little while, but when I reached my late 20’s I wanted more, out of my business, and out of my life… plus i wanted to have money to spend on stuff.

I started researching the heck out of Internet marketing and specifically SEO, or search engine optimization. My uncle was the grand high pioneer of “worlds best vacuum” dot com, in addition to several other marginal e- commerce sites. Put together, they made some cash… ALL of which he spent on internet marketing educational DVDs. He covered his shelves with programs for all conceivable elements of internet marketing: copywriting, SEO, web design, consumer psychology, etc.

The list of topics went on and on, and his DVDs were piled everywhere. It sounds ridiculous, but i started watching every single one of them, one program after another, for literally hundreds of hours. It was kinda silly, my uncle had become ‘hoarder’ of internet marketing programs, (many of which actually cost 1000s of dollars) and I was doing a combination of riding his informational coattails while cleaning up his informational mess.

I was actually mind-blown at how informative this stuff was. I felt as if i was having multiple revelations every day, and it became an emotional roller coaster of sorts.
At this point, you’re probably wondering if my bio is truly going to admit that my internet marketing expertise came from a series of DVDs; that perhaps business success can be purchased with a collection of shiny plastic discs, containing some invaluable tidbits of knowledge. Sadly, i don’t think it can.

These programs exposed me to the awareness that I went to the number one business school in the world and i didn’t know shit about business, at least not anything useful. We were taught how to jump through corporate hoops, and how to be politically correct. Sidenote: screw political correctness and behaving to fit a mold. When it came to the world wide web, and the way that people actually FIND businesses and choose them. I knew nothing, and I went on a quest to move to the forefront of this industry.

I contacted the best of the people to whom I was exposed in the material I covered. I forged personal relationships with them. I participated in their conference calls, I created mastermind groups with other folks in the programs so that we could work together in our business strategies. I went to seminars, and I read every single piece of literature that any of my teachers recommended…. all the while balancing my career as a personal trainer. It was exhausting, but this was what it took to pay my dues in the internet marketing world.

I implemented everything that i learned, bit by bit. I applied the design principles to build sleek and sexy websites (like the one you’re looking at), I started SEO campaigns to drive my sites to the top, and i started writing sales copy (like the sales copy you’re reading). That’s right. You think this is a bio, but its not… This is totally sales copy and I’ve been trying to influence you with it since the very first sentence. You don’t believe me? Lets take a look back, and I’ll show you what I’ve done along the way.

“I remember vividly when i struggled to get enough clients. The frustration of having entire days without a single customer was humbling, and terrifying.”

This sentence was made for two reasons: The first is to make you feel an emotion, and one that you DON’T want to feel. The situation that I mention having gone through is scary. Failed businesses are enough to shake your personal foundation and change your life. Lack of cash stifles your freedom. Most entrepreneurs have had SOME experience with this, and if you have, you have not forgotten what it felt like.

This ties right in with the next reason for the jarring sentence, I want you to empathize with me, and know that I can empathize with you. We’ve shared the same struggle. The emotion of empathy is one of the most powerful tools any marketer can use.

Again, not only do I scare you a little bit with the reminder of potential failure, but i tell you that I’ve BEEN there before. Now we have something in common, and if you’re STILL In this place of fear, you’re MIGHT be starting to assume that i have the solution to get you out of it (which I do). This is a natural tendency of consumers, if you can both empathize with and describe their problem, they immediately assume that you have the solution.

I’m digressing a little bit. The fact remains, I’ve attempted to build an emotional connection, so that you trust me to do business with you. On top of that, I’m being totally honest about it after the fact. Now you REALLY trust me I bet. I realize that this isn’t really a bio anymore, but whatever… You’re still learning about me in some shape or form.

The next thing I did in my bio, which is 100 percent honest by the way, is be very clear how accidental my path in this business has been. People respond very well to the accidental, ‘reluctant hero’ approach to marketing. I could have said, “I’ve studied this stuff for thousands of hours, I understand it more thoroughly than ANYONE, and Ill give you the best service available for the least amount of money.”. That statement might be true, but its not at all the best way to get customers.

A much more appealing approach is to say something like, “I discovered this knowledge accidentally, I used it, and it worked. Now other people want me to help them do the same thing for them. It all happened so fast that Im kinda freaked out”. People just respond better to this because they like this CHARACTER better than the cocky and over confident one.

The last thing that i’ll say about myself, or whatever the hell I’m talking about, is that I’m honest. From a business standpoint, you’re going to get what you pay for when dealing with SEO Powerhouse. I actually make it a point to over-deliver whenever possible. If you want to rank on the first page for selling viagra, I’m going to tell you beyond a doubt that I can’t possibly help you, the competition is too well rooted, and I won’t take your money.

People have intuition, and they can sense positivity and authenticity. If you have a good feeling while reading my words, thats a good sign. I encourage people to trust their intuition, to speak plainly from the heart, and to approach every situation with positive intentions. If you do, people will flock to you, and your success will be effortless (when coupled with a few other tight little strategies. If you have any questions for me, email me at [email protected] or call my cell phone at (908) 902-8475. I have no set hours of operation, just call whenever.


PO Box 390 Glenmoore PA 19343

7am - 8pm EST Mon - Sun

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Regarding money and stuff, I have no interest in making you sign a contract or having your credit card automatically billed. 

Training folks is sort of a hobby for me.  I don't charge much.  I just try to find people that I like working with.

This entire 'career' has been completely accidental. 

I played football at the University of Pennsylvania for a while but walked away from the sport to fight professionally. At the time, there weren't too many fighters walking around campus or hitting the heavy bags in the gym... so people sorta started taking note.

One random day, my classmate Bari asked me if I would teach her how to fight... she hated normal exercise, and wanted to be able to beat the crap out of her foes.

I don't judge. 

I had never taught fighting before, despite having done a whole lot, but I’m a logical guy and it can't be THAT hard.  Plus, I knew a billion exercises and had extensively studied the science behind training and physical development (I was sort of an exercise science bookworm.)

Anyhow, we started training at the campus gym, and we were interrupted constantly by other people who wanted to learn.

Within weeks I had a dozen clients and after several months I was teaching and training out of my apartment almost full time. I was happily surprised by the response but also a little confused.  

Within a few months, I had my own personal training business, and my Ivy League education became completely useless. 

Now I just help people achieve their physical goals and learn how to fight like warriors. 

Perhaps you and I are somewhat alike... 

Its not hard for me to understand what it’s like to take a look at yourself in the mirror and feel a little 'meh'. The trick is to use that feeling as inspiration, to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and truly be confident that you are going to do what it takes to get there.

If I was a sales person, I would tell you that it was easy, and that everyone and their grandma can breeze right through the process if they just train with me. Just buy the biggest training package that you can buy!

(I don’t actually have training packages.)

The truth is, it's not easy, and you already know that. In the process that I went through, I certainly didn’t feel great all of the time. I had moments of discouragement and doubt, but this kinda thing is to be expected. Success is earned. Pushing through those moments will help to define who you are.

It took me four or five months to lose 60 lbs. After a year I had lost 80. Long after, just by keeping the same practices and habits loosely in mind, I haven’t put a pound of it back on. Or maybe a few. I don't weight myself anymore. I just wait for my clothes to start fitting poorly, and make changes when necessary.

Nevertheless, developing good habits and incorporating them into your lifestyle permanently is the key to long term success in the physical realm. These are habits that we can build together.

I will to put something new in your mind each time you enter my gym and teach you how to apply the principal on your own time.

Sometimes this may be a new exercise concept. Other times, it could be a martial arts technique. This all depends on you, and the goals that you have... but it will always be well designed, functional exercise.

If you want to learn how to fight, you will learn something new about MMA every time you step foot in my dojo. I'm a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I've been both boxing and kickboxing for more than 2 decades.

But again, I will build a fighting style tailored specifically to YOU. Your size, and your skills / abilities.

While we achieve this, I will push you to work beyond a level that you would have reached on your own.

If you get to the point that you no longer need me present to accomplish what you need to accomplish, I am happy to release you into the world as an educated athlete. You will be free to do what you wish with the techniques that you have learned (especially if that means writing me a testimonial).

You can spread the ways of the warrior that you learn here, to any who will listen.

You just have to find people willing to listen to you I guess.  That's always the hard part. 

Thank you for reading this!  I don't even remember why I wrote it, but it's here now and I'm not deleting it. 

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